Tuesday, March 20, 2012

missing in action....

I am sure a lot of you are wondering about the happenings in Lome, Togo & the latest and greatest adventures with me in regards to Mercy Ships.

I am unfortunately currently on medical leave from the ship. One Sunday evening in early January an innocent game of spoons got slightly out of hand. I was kicked quite hard in the temple by a guy wearing work boots & I have had an unrelenting & debilitating headache for the past two and half months. 

The doctors on the ship tried their hardest and best to figure out what was going on. I was treated for a concussion, but none of the medication seemed to work or even take the edge off. I was treated for malaria & that didn't seem to be the cause.  I had a CT scan on board and thankfully no tumors or brain bleeds showed up! But after a month and half of not being able to work & trying to cope with the constant & incessant pain I made the decision that I needed to come home & get checked out further. I am currently in the states & the doctors are trying to figure out what exactly is going on.

 I have great faith that I will be okay and able to return to the ship. I must be cleared by the doctor first but I truly believe that my time with Mercy Ships is not yet finished!

Thank you all for your continued support throughout this journey and process!!!

I appreciate all of your love and prayers greatly!!!

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